Monday, May 9, 2011

A Solitary Witch's Dedication

Ritual: Self Dedication to The Divine.

Goal: To be closer to the Divine and to declare my connection to my spiritual path. It is a commitment to myself.

When: Self Dedication should be done at the time of the New Moon because it is a time of New Beginnings. June 1, 2011.

Needs: Blessing Oil *
Sea Salt
White Pillar Candle

Preparation: Beginning with a bathing ritual, taking the time to cleanse my body,mind and spirit. Shut out the mundane of life and focus on myself and the tranquility I am entitled to.

Cast a Circle

Sprinkle salt at your feet and stand on it. Light the candle and standing before the altar...

Say: I am a child of God and I ask you to bless me.

Anointing; By dipping my finger in the oil I anoint the following parts of my whole.

Forehead: May my mind be blessed so I can accept the wisdom of the Divine.

Eyes: May my eyes be blessed so I can see clearly my way upon this path.

Nose: May my nose be blessed so I can breathe in the essence of the Divine.

Lips: May my lips be blessed so I may speak only with honour and respect.

Chest: May my heart be blessed so I may love and be loved.

Hands: May my hands be blessed so I may use them to help and heal others.

Womb: May my womb be blessed so I may honour the creation of life.

Feet: May my feet be blessed so I can walk side by side with the Divine.

Tonight I pledge myself to the Divine. I will walk side by side with the Divine and I will ask for guidance on the journey. I pledge to honour the Divine and ask the Divine to allow me to grow closer. As I will so is shall be.

Meditate and fell the after glow of the ritual. Let the energy of the Divine surround you.

I have brought myself to the attention of the Divine!!!!

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